Document Pickup
Document Pickup
We come pick up your files and transport them to our secure facility, allowing you to reclaim your office space!
Document Sorting
Document Sorting
When your boxes arrive at our secure scanning facility, they are sorted, logged, and barcoded to track the progress of your documents every step of the way. If you need a document, we can quickly deliver it to you electronically, giving you continuous access to your files.
Document Preparation
Document Preparation
The first step of the process is preparing the documents for scanning. We go through every document in every box to ensure that staples and paper clips are removed as well as fix any dog ears. Barcodes are inserted to automatically create document breaks during scanning.
Document Scanning
Document Scanning
We use high quality, high volume scanners with the latest image enhancement technology. Our scanning technicians are trained to look for flaws such as lines, corners, and double feeds to ensure top quality.
Document Indexing
Document Indexing
Each document is then named as per your requirements, we call this indexing. We can index each document in anyway you wish to retrieve it, whether it be patient name, work order number, file name – anything.
Quality Control
Quality Control
Each scanned image is viewed by a quality control technician to ensure proper image quality. If image quality is in question, the image is flagged for review/rescan. This ensures we have captured the best image possible without any flaws.
Secure File Upload
Secure File Upload
We can provide the files in any format you need to integrate with your system. If you don’t have a document management system we can provide you with one as well! Scroll down to find out more.
Document Destruction
Document Destruction
At the end of the whole process, with your signed off approval, we purge all the paper documents. If for any reason you want to keep the original files, we can accommodate that and get them all back to you!