Document Management Blog

Change Management

Change Management

Change - some love it, some don’t. It is a topic that can bring about a lot of stress for many people as it involves uncertainty. But change is necessary. People, companies, and things in general need to change to continuously grow and evolve. So what can we do about...

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How to Manage Your Information

How to Manage Your Information

“The problem of information overload, therefore, may not be the quantity of it but our inability to know what to do with it.” — Danniel Tammet What is your company’s most valuable asset? Without a doubt, it’s your information. The way you manage your information...

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What Problems Does Document Scanning Solve?

What Problems Does Document Scanning Solve?

Document scanning is one of the most important steps in order to protect your company's information. But what specific problems does it solve? How does it work? And why should you scan your office documents? In this blog, we outline the benefits of document scanning...

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AP Automation – Everything You Need To Know

AP Automation – Everything You Need To Know

Are you thinking about automating your AP department? Perhaps you just want to learn more about the AP automation process in general? This blog will cover everything you need to know about AP automation and guide you in terms of how to proceed if you want to automate...

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Document Scanning – Everything You Need To Know

Document Scanning – Everything You Need To Know

What is document scanning? Document scanning consists of transitioning from paper to electronic copies of your files. It is quite simple in theory, but it involves many components to ensure the final product (the scanned images) are of the highest quality possible. ...

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Earth Day 2021

Earth Day 2021

Restore our Earth Earth day, a time to educate ourselves, improve our actions, and build a brighter future together. This year’s theme is called “restore our Earth” and focuses on natural processes, emerging green technologies, and innovative thinking that can restore...

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2020 Recap

Intro 2020 has been quite the roller coaster of a year. No one predicted a global pandemic coming upon us, yet we all came together and braced through it. While this year brought a lot of hardships for many people and businesses, there were also some positives that...

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A Way Forward

Our Bundles are more than a solution, they are a way forward Using our services isn’t only a solution to a need that emerges, it is a way forward. What does that mean you might ask? Well, in this blog we will break down how some of our most successful clients came to...

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Before the ClinicalConnect Integration

What does the process look like before the ClinicalConnect integration? Recently, we posted a press release that talked about our new integration with ClincialConnect, outlining what it consisted of and its benefits. In this blog, we want to go over what the...

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