We are pleased to announce that our integration with ClinicalConnect is officially complete as of April 2020. The first location to take advantage of this integration is Woodstock General Hospital which means that scanned and archived data is now viewable in ClinicalConnect’s Health Records module. We are currently working to get St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital integrated within the next few months.
To provide some background, Polar Imaging Inc. has been working with both Woodstock General Hospital and St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital for years, helping with the digitization of records and the management of files. Both of these hospitals use the ClinicalConnect application, however the hospitals were unable to see their scanned medical records in ClinicalConnect prior to April of 2020. In order to bridge that gap, Polar Imaging and ClinicalConnect came together in order to integrate Polar Imagings’ document management system with ClinicalConnects Health Records module. ClinicalConnect’s Health Care module enables sharing of information and is responsible for connecting all of the hospital and clinics. Polar Imaging is involved with digitization and helping with the management and storage of all the electronic records.
This Integration allows ClinicalConnect users to view scanned records that both Woodstock General Hospital and St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital manage electronically in Polar Imaging’s document management platform. One of the major benefits of this integration is that records that used to only be available locally, are now available to any hospital that is connected through ClinicalConnect in Ontario. These hospitals scan records in real time and so patient information is available almost instantly. It helps eliminate the need for paper files, helps save time when looking for patient files, saves storage space, keeps track of files and prevents them from being lost and helps patience have their data at any hospital they go to.
We are very proud to help and support this initiative that helps connect hospitals throughout Southwestern Ontario. Hospitals have so many records that are very important and could be of great use for doctors to see, however they are very limited in access due to their paper nature. Digitizing these documents will allow for better access to patient information from any hospital or clinic and will lead to better overall healthcare for the patient. For example, if a London resident ends up in the Woodstock hospital ER, that visit will now be viewable to their family doctor in London through ClinicalConnect.
We are very optimistic about the future of our relationship with ClinicalConnect and the possibilities we bring to the healthcare industry. Our goal is to help facilitate the access to patient information and to help as many hospitals as possible transition to better document management. We know that we can help make a difference!