Scanning for ClinicalConnect

The Polar Imaging HealthCare Package

Polar Imaging is the one stop shop for all digitization needs in the healthcare industry! We’ve helped many hospitals start by their digital transitions by implementing scanning stations, providing adequate scanners and capture software, implementing document management systems, and doing the most difficult work of it all, scanning backlogs of paper records.

We have a proven scanning process that is easy to implement and adopt in day to day health records departments. Users have an easy time learning the process and come to enjoy it quickly after implementation. The day-forward scanning package includes the scanner, capture software, document management system and training for the staff. The process is outlined in the diagram below.


We Integrate with ClinicalConnect

The results from our digitization service go beyond just your organization. We are an official ClinicalConnect partner, meaning that our document management system is integrated with their Healthcare Module. This means that once your paper files are digitized and stored in your document management system, those files can be accessed through ClinicalConnects’ application. This not only benefits healthcare professionals in your facility by combining all records into one convenient location, but it also means that if your patient finds them self at a different hospital or clinic in Ontario, whoever is attending to them will be able to find their records instantly thought ClinicalConnect.

About Polar Imaging

We provide organizations with only the best document management solutions, scanning, equipment, and professional services in the industry. We do this to help strengthen our communities and our economy.

Our aim is to educate businesses on document management and imaging and to show them how to reach their overall business goals using innovative business technologies.

Having the ability to customize our solutions tailored to your specific requirements is something we feel is unique to us. Our solutions are adaptable and address the needs of not just one department, but virtually any department you need a solution for!

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Contact Us

4500 Blakie Rd. Suite 134
London ON N6L 1G5
Toll Free: 888-857-6527