What’s Paper Costing Your Business?

Every wondered what paper-based processes could be costing your business? This infographic includes some frightening statistics!     If you’re interested in learning more about saving time and money, we have the perfect ECM solution for you! Learn...

Earth Day 2019

What is earth dayStarted in 1970, Earth Day is an annual event held worldwide on April 22 to demonstrate support and raise awareness about environmental protection. Earth Day began as a response after an oil spill took place in Santa Barbara in 1969 to educate people...

7 Reasons to Outsource Your Document Scanning

Often times when you hear of document scanning services you probably think “we can do that ourselves.” In theory it does sound simple. You probably already have some type of scanning equipment, so how hard can it be?Here is a look at our scanning process and why you...

How to measure your files

Since going through all of your files and counting the pages would be extremely time consuming, we have a few ways for you to get a fairly accurate estimate of your volumes. After being in this business for so long, we have some pretty good averages you can use to...