Choose from a wide selection of high-end departmental scanners
Departmental Scanners support larger organizations with state-of-the-art document imaging solutions.
Our line-up of Departmental Scanners
Canon Departmental Scanners
Canon DR-M160 Departmental Scanner
Canon DR-6010C Departmental Scanner

Canon DR-6030C Departmental Scanner

Fujitsu Departmental Scanners
Fujitsu fi-5530C2 Departmental Scanner
Fujitsu fi-6240Z Departmental Scanner
The fi-6240Z is able to scan an impressive 60 pages or 120 images per minute in colour, greyscale or black&white (Letter, 200 dpi). Its ability to continuously scan 50 page mixed batch documents containing papers of different weights, qualities, and sizes enables the fi-6240Z to efficiently handle large volumes of paper documents.
Fujitsu fi-6140Z Departmental Scanner
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