Make your life easier with Data Analysis

Data Analysis helps maximize your budget, while clearing out your file room!

How it works:

Instead of wasting your time and resources sorting through old files, we do all of that for you. All you have to do is send us your files and we take care of the rest. Our team of professional data analysts will separate your paper files into three different categories:

1. The first category will consist of all files that need to be scanned. This means all files that still have a significant amount of time until they reach the retention policy date.

2. The second category consists of all files that need to be stored. This means all files that are close to reaching their retention date, for which there is no point in scanning. The cutoff period for files to be stored is determined by you. For example, files that are 2 years or less away from retention, will be stored instead of scanned

3. The third category consist of files that need to be purged. All files that are past retention will be purged with your signed off approval. If your retention period is 7 years, any file that is 7 years old or older will be placed into the purge pile.

With this sorting of files you make sure that only the current and relevant files end up getting scanned so you’re not spending money on files you don’t even need!



Read our case study to see how we implemented it in a medical clinic!


  • Transitioning to digital documents can be intimidating. You probably have a lot of questions about the process. The best way for you to understand our scanning service is to experience it first hand. That’s why Polar Imaging offers a no-obligation trial.
  • Send us one box of your documents and we’ll walk you through our entire process from start to finish answering questions you might have along the way.
  • We can tweak the final product until you are 100% satisfied with the outcome
  • If at the end you still aren’t happy with the results at least you’ll be one box closer to digitizing your documents and there is absolutely no obligation to continue 
  • Doing a Proof of Concept will give you a clear understanding of how easy Polar Imaging can make the process and the level of quality you can expect when working with us!

Not Interested in a Trial?

If you would like to receive a quote to get a better idea of what your project will look like or would simply like to get more information about our scanning services click the link below!

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