Document Management Blog

Who is looking at your hospital’s medical records?

A few years ago,a medical record breach involving former Mayor Rob Ford's medical records at two Toronto-area hospitals, brought healthcare data security into question, particularly for hospitals still processing paper files. It’s never a good thing when a patient’s...

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7 Reasons to Outsource Your Document Scanning

Often times when you hear of document scanning services you probably think “we can do that ourselves.” In theory it does sound simple. You probably already have some type of scanning equipment, so how hard can it be?Here is a look at our scanning process and why you...

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Five Myths About Document Management

Myth #1: Document Management Systems are only meant for large corporations, not a small business like mine. Fact: Document Management Systems (DMS) are used for businesses of all sizes, even small ones. A DMS can allow small businesses fast and easy access to crucial...

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The Benefits of Mailroom Automation

Every business has a certain time of the year when they are busier than others. Whether you’re waiting for financial statements or invoices, order forms or even legal documents, a lot of mail circulates whether it is due to you seasonality, or the holidays, or...

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How to measure your files

Since going through all of your files and counting the pages would be extremely time consuming, we have a few ways for you to get a fairly accurate estimate of your volumes. After being in this business for so long, we have some pretty good averages you can use to...

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Electronic Records as Documentary Evidence

The Electronic Records as Documentary Evidence standard is a guideline for how companies should manage their electronic documents. Complying with these guidelines ensures that a company's electronic records are trustworthy. This blog post will be addressing Polar...

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RPA, BPA and IA – What is it all about?

The terms RPA, BPA and IA are quite a hot topic at the moment. With everyone talking about them, it can be quite hard to keep up if you don’t fully understand what they mean. To your surprise, you might actually be aware of what they mean, you might just know them...

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